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Truro Town Deal Public Engagement – 22 November 2023

Four key projects set to transform Truro are being presented to the public this month by the team behind the Town Deal.

Plans for a much-anticipated lifting bridge between Newham and Boscawen Park plus updates to Lemon Quay and the city’s harbour will be on display at a community engagement event on Wednesday, November 22 from 10am to 7pm at Truro Methodist Church.The event will also feature proposals for improvements to pedestrian and cycle routes around the city, part of an active travel network to enable a better connected, healthier and more sustainable community.


These projects are being delivered by Cornwall Council in partnership with the Truro Town Deal Board. The vision for Truro Town Deal is to create a ‘Connected River City’ by revitalising the city and unlocking investment. Alan Stanhope, chair of Truro Town Deal, said: “These four sets of proposals represent the most ambitious aspects of our project portfolio, and we were keen to present them collectively so members of the community can see how they work together.

“There’s been a lot of work going on behind the scenes for Truro Town Deal to bring the vision on our Town Investment Plan to life. Moving to more detailed community engagement on these key projects is a great step forward.”

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy, said: “The Town Deal is about empowering communities to realise their ambitions for their towns and cities. It’s really important that residents and businesses have their say and I encourage all to come along to the exhibition to find out more.”

Truro was one of 101 towns, and four in Cornwall, selected to bid for the Government’s £3.6 billion Towns Fund which aims to drive economic regeneration and level up the regions’ economy. In April 2021, Truro secured a Town Deal of up to £23.6 million following the successful submission of its Town Investment Plan for a range of regeneration projects.

The Truro Town Deal public engagement event takes place from 10am to 7pm on Wednesday, November 22 at Truro Methodist Church. Plans will also be available to view online at www.trurotownfund.com or scan this QR Code


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